Long Term Planning
The Council of Governments conducts long-term planning studies for San Benito County’s transportation needs. Working together with local and regional agencies, COG develops several long-range plans.
2024 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP)
6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA)
SR 156 Multimodal Enhancement Study
2009 Bikeway and Pedestrian Master Plan
AMBAG Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategies
Regional Transportation Plan
The Council of San Benito County Governments prepares a county-wide Regional Transportation Plan every four years. The Plan considers future growth and the transportation investments needed to support the planned expansion of residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. The Plan sets forth policy over the next 20 years.
2020 Regional Transportation Plan (2020-2045)
Short Term Planning
The Council of Governments conducts short-term planning studies for San Benito County’s more immediate transportation needs. Working together with local and regional agencies, COG develops several short-range plans.
Monterey Bay Area Coordinated Public Transit – Human Services Transportation Plan
City of Hollister Complete Streets Plan for the Nash/Tres Pinos Road Corridor
Public Transportation Planning
2022 Short Range Transit Plan Update
2016 Short Range/Long Range Transportation Plan
COG assigns and distributes federal, state, and local funds for transportation projects in San Benito County that improve highway safety, relieve traffic congestion, and promote economic development.
The Council of Governments finances transportation projects through a variety of federal, state and local programs. The Council of Governments actively seeks special grants for the agency’s priority transportation projects. The largest funding programs include:
Annual Overall Work Program FY 2022/2023
Regional Transportation Improvement Program
Regional Transportation Impact Mitigation Fee Nexus Study
Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program
Regional Surface Transportation Program
Transportation Development Act
Traffic Modeling
A traffic model is a tool for analyzing the major ways people travel using a computer program. The Council of Governments uses data generated in traffic modeling to predict driver behavior and determine long-term needs for roadway improvements in the region.
The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments maintains a regional traffic model, click here to view.