

Each year a budget is prepared for the various agency functions. The Council of Governments includes, State Transit Assistance, Local Transportation Fund, Highway 25 Safety, Rideshare, Administration, Vanpool and State Planning Subvention, Local Transportation Authority and Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways. These budgets are brought before their Boards at the June meetings for approval.

Council of San Benito County Governments

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2023/2024

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2022/2023

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2021/2022

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2020/2021

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2019/2020

San Benito County Local Transportation Authority

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2023/2024

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2022/2023

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2021/2022

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2020/2021

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2019/2020

San Benito County Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2023/2024

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2022/2023

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2021/2022

Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2020/2021

Adopted  Budget Fiscal Year 2019/2020



Triennial Performance Audits
As the regional transportation planning agency, the Council of San Benito County Governments is required to contract with an independent auditor for a triennial performance audit of both the Council of Governments and the Local Transportation Authority. These audits are performed every three years and are required by California’s Transportation Development Act (TDA). The performance audits serves to ensure accountability in the use of public transportation revenue. Both the Council of Governments and the Local Transportation Authority have current, satisfactory performance audits.

Council of San Benito County Governments Triennial Performance Audit Fiscal Year 2019-2021

Council of San Benito County Governments Triennial Performance Audit Fiscal Year 2016-2018

Council of San Benito County Governments Triennial Performance Audit Fiscal Year 2013-2015

San Benito County Local Transportation Authority Triennial Performance Audit Fiscal Year 2019-2021

San Benito Local Transportation Authority Triennial Performance Audit Fiscal Year 2016-2018

San Benito Local Transportation Authority Triennial Performance Audit Fiscal Year 2013-2015


Financial Audit
At the end of the fiscal year an independent Certified Public Accountant completes a financial audit and a state Transportation Development Act (TDA) compliance audit which is required by TDA guidelines and is due on December 31st. The Council of Government’s financials are in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Council of San Benito County Governments Basic Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2024

Council of San Benito County Governments Basic Financial Statements and Single Audit for the Year Ended June 30, 2023

Council of San Benito County Governments Single Audit for the Year Ended June 30, 2022

Council of San Benito County Governments Basic Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2022

Council of San Benito County Governments Basic Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2021

Council of San Benito County Governments Basic Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2020

Council of San Benito County Governments Basic Financial Statements for the Year Ended June 30, 2019



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