San Benito Regional Transportation Plan


Help Shape the Future of San Benito County


The Council of San Benito County Governments (COG) prepares a county-wide Regional Transportation Plan every four years. The Regional Transportation Plan is a blueprint to guide investments for all forms of travel – motor vehicle, transit, bicycle and walking – and the movement of people and goods throughout the San Benito region. The Plan identifies current and future transportation needs, investments needed to meet those needs, and what funds we expects to have available to over the next 23 years to make those investments a reality.


COG is currently seeking public input to help define the Goals for the 2022 through 2045 Regional Transportation Plan. Members of the public can provide input to help inform the Plan by taking a short survey and by reviewing the Draft Goals. Answers from the survey will help us update the Draft Goals and define priorities. 

Survey Links:

FINAL 2020-2045 San Benito Regional Transportation Plan (Full Document)

Individual Components of the FINAL Regional Transportation Plan:

Executive Summary

Cover Pages
Chapter 1: Introducing A Vision for the Future
Chapter 2: Overall Policy Approach, Framework and Performance Measures
Chapter 3: Regional Setting and Travel Patterns
Chapter 4: Snapshot of the Existing Transportation Network and System Needs
Chapter 5: Financing Our Transportation Investments
Chapter 6: Investments in our Transportation Infrastructure
Chapter 7: Public Participation and Consultation
Appendix A: Financially Constrained and Unconstrained Transportation Project List
Appendix A1: Financially Constrained Escalated Costs by Project Type
Appendix B: 22‐Year San Benito Regional Revenue Assumptions (2018 ‐ 2040)
Appendix C: 2040 Regional Transportation Plan interested Parties Distribution List
Appendix D: Public Comment and Responses
Appendix E: Regional Transportation Plan Checklist
Appendix F: Final Environmental Impact Report

Final Environmental Impact Report Appendices for the 2045 MTP/SCS/RTPs

Veronica Lezama
RTP Project Manager
(831) 637-7665, Ext. 206


Email Updates for Regional Transportation Plan

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English Goals Flyer (download)

Spanish Goals Flyer (download)

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